• Fork or Spoon?!

    Recently, I had a conversation with someone about a “Calling from God” and knowing “God’s Will.” As I bemoaned my inability to know what those things were currently in some areas of my life, he looked at me and said, “Sometimes God lets us choose whether we will pick up the fork or the spoon.” Um, we’re talking about a “Calling” here. Isn’t that supposed to be super-spiritual or something? (Yes, I do believe that is the technical term for it.) We all approach our future and purpose differently. Terms such as “Calling” and “God’s Will” are bantered about by some with an air of nonchalance and used for validation…

  • Beginnings

    Where to begin? We must all start somewhere (and at times restart). So the question is: “Why take up more bandwidth on the internet and blogosphere?” There are a plethora of people in this world who are more educated, more connected, and more “with-it” than I.  At any given moment, we are able to access voices that will agree or disagree with us, that will comfort or challenge us, that will sharpen us or entertain us, or that will speak to our hearts. In the grand scheme of life, I don’t believe my thoughts to be that earth shattering or, frankly, important and necessary. However, even with these questions and reasons before me; I suppose,…