Honestly, joy is the most mysterious and elusive of the Spirit’s fruit for me. I’m not exactly sure why. Perhaps it is simply because I am unable to manufacture joy no matter how often I tell myself to be joyful. For the most part, I can produce some version, albeit pale in comparison to the true article, of the other “fruit” listed in Galatians. But with joy, the best I can produce on my own is a fleeting happiness based upon circumstances or positive self-talk.
Happiness, however, often gets a bad rap in some Christian circles. I have often heard warnings against making “happiness” my life’s goal. I have repeatedly heard that God cares more for my character than my happiness. Most often when the topic of joy comes up, happiness and its fleeting nature is thrown up as the poster child of what not to seek even when a hasty “but it’s okay to be happy” is tacked on to the discussion.
While these well-meant phrases contain truth, I think that being happy and cheerful are worthy in and of themselves. Truly. Happiness and cheerfulness are gifts from a loving Father. True joy, however, encompasses that and more. I envision joy as a weightier, more robust cousin to happiness–both good, but joy more fulfilling and lasting.
Picture a bright, yellow balloon filled with helium. If the balloon is not tethered to a solid, heavy object, it will float away, easily tossed and whipped about by the wind—even a slight breeze. However, if that same balloon is anchored to a chair, it will still float in the air, but not fly away. It is secured by a firm foundation.
I imagine happiness much like that untethered balloon being tossed about by the wind, only it is circumstances and feelings that buffet us and cause our happiness or cheerfulness to waiver. Happiness, like that untethered balloon, is good and a natural response to God-given blessings and positive circumstances. Happiness is not a natural response to difficult circumstances, though.
Joy, on the other hand, is similar to the tethered balloon. It is anchored by a firm foundation of Truth—truth in the character and nature of God and His love for us. Joy is a supernatural response to all circumstances because joy flows from the very Spirit of God. Joy is not a fruit of the flesh. While being buffeted by circumstances and bobbing in the wind much like that helium balloon, we ultimately remain firmly in place. The Spirit moving in our life allows us to securely weather any storm life blows our way.
Another aspect of helium balloons applies to our lives. Helium balloons will start to deflate as the helium leaks out into the surrounding air. They begin to fall closer to the ground. Have you ever seen a balloon float about one foot off the ground, perhaps even following you around due to air currents? It’s creepy and a little sad. Just like that balloon needs a fresh infusion of helium to float high again, we need a daily, fresh infusion of the Spirit through God’s Word and prayer to react with joy in any given situation.
Why are any of us able to live continuous joy-filled lives? It is because of Christ’s sacrifice. He anchors us, sustains us, breathes life into us, and ushers us into a solid relationship with the Father. In doing so, joy transcends our circumstances because our eternal Father transcends this temporal life. When we are focused on eternal matters and matters of the Spirit, we are more joyous and able to be happy, even cheerful, in the face of any situation—good or bad.
Moreover, a greater love for God and His Word ushers in joy. Scripture reminds us that God Himself fills us with joy and peace as we trust Him so that we overflow with hope by the Holy Spirit’s power. (Romans 15:13). While seemingly obvious, Scripture clearly states that joy begins and ends with God Himself.
Thus, before I even get to the point that my attempts at rationalization, self-help, and positive self-talk fail to manufacture joy, I must return to the basics—love God, love His law/commandments, and ask Him to transform my heart. Pursuing God allows joy to happen in my life and allows me to overflow with hope to everyone I meet along life’s journey. This, in turn, often leads me to be…you guessed it…happy.
So, I encourage you to take a few moments and meditate on God’s character and steadfastness, on His Sovereignty and magnificence. Then, imagine that Mighty God extending His gentle love to you. I hope that puts a smile on your face. I hope that smile extends from your face down deep into your heart and that you overflow with the hope and joy only our Heavenly Father can give. He truly does work in mysterious ways.
Photo Credit: https://tinyurl.com/y7dbvj3j

Julie Brown
Great thoughts Camille. I think all joy and happiness must be rooted in a pot filled with peace! Can’t wait to soak in your wisdom starting next week in Bible study??
Camille Fletcher
Thank you! I’m looking forward to Bible Study, too. I miss you ladies!